News Article

How Skills Training can benefit you

Find out how our Skills Training can help you become the Next.Level.You.


ARU Students’ Union are committed to providing you with opportunities to enhance your University experience and to develop your skills through a variety of volunteering roles – whether that is as a community volunteering role, a representative or as a club/society committee member. Through these roles you can develop and learn a huge variety of different skills which will be invaluable to you in the future.

To complement your volunteering, we have created a collection of skills courses on LinkedIn Learning, which you have free access to as an ARU student.


Why should I complete Skills Training?


Become a more impactful volunteer

We know that students volunteer because they want to make a difference to others in their local or student community. To ensure that you can create as much positive and sustainable impact as possible, we want to help you develop and learn skills that will make you a more effective, respected and motivated volunteer.


Build your self-confidence

When you know you have a catalogue of skills and experience that can help others, your self-confidence automatically grows with it. Equipping yourself with a variety of skills means that you can tackle tasks and problems from different angles and communicate with others more effectively whilst giving yourself a sense of self-identity and drive.


Stand out from the crowd

Students with increased real world experiences and a varied and expansive skill set are the students that graduate employers are seeking for their workforce. The skills you learn from your volunteering not only make you more impactful in your volunteering roles for now, they will also help you in your everyday life and future career too.


Record your hours and skills

The time you spend learning skills can be logged as volunteering hours that work towards your Volunteer Awards. You can also record any skills that you learn through your training that will enhance your Skills Transcript.


LinkedIn Learning courses are available online and can be accessed at University, at home, or even on your phone. These courses help you to learn in your own time and at your own pace. LinkedIn Learning has thousands of free courses for you to choose from to expand your knowledge and tailor your training to your needs.


Search through our collections today to see what skills you can learn to become an even more impactful volunteer



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