News Article

Community Volunteers - Which Hours Can I Log?


As a community volunteer, you are helping a wide range of different causes within the local community. This means that all the work you do as part of your role can be logged as volunteering hours and skills through ARU Students' Union Volunteer Centre. But which hours can you log?


Meetings or training conducted by the Students’ Union

Development planning and preparation work

Supervisory activities (an event where you are coordinating others, not participating in)

Any training or coaching delivered by yourself

Communication with your organisation

Travel in which you are a volunteer driver

Administrative work

Performing your volunteering role
Social Events

Travel time to and from your role

Events or activities which you are participating in but not coordinating e.g. sports fixtures, activity sessions etc.
Generally, if you are doing a task for free and for the benefit of others, this is volunteering!


Log your hours and skills now


Ahmed Badreldin
3:59pm on 22 Jun 21 Volunteered 40 hours at the SHoKE program consulting Cambridgeshire County Council on how to leverage social value in its procurement contracts
Levi-Mercury Mercury
1:21pm on 10 Dec 19 6 volunteer work hours at Bishop Creighton House (services for the elderly) on reception. Tuesday 3rd December 2019 3 hours 9-12 and Tuesday 10th December 2019 9-12
Eunhee Lee
12:14pm on 10 Dec 19 Volunteering 3hours at Age Uk on Thursday
Eunhee Lee
12:12pm on 10 Dec 19 National saturday club volunteering From 2 Nov to 6 Dec for 18hours
Eunhee Lee
1:59pm on 2 Oct 19 Had volunteer work on 30 Sep from9 to 5.
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