The object of the union is the advancement of education of students at Anglia Ruskin University for the public benefit by:
Promoting the interests and welfare of students at Anglia Ruskin University during their period of study and representing, supporting and advising students.
Being the recognised representative channel between students and Anglia Ruskin University and any other external bodies.
Providing social, cultural, sporting and recreational activities and forums for discussions and debate for the personal development of its students.
The Union is a Democracy
Each year you elect a new team of 6 Executive Officers to lead your Students' Union. Officers act as both Trustees of the Union and political leaders.
The Union is governed by a set of articles which you can read here: Articles of Association
The articles have a number of seperate bye-laws. You can read the bye-laws here:
Bye-Law 1 - Membership
Bye-Law 2 - Setting the Direction
Bye-Law 3 - Officers and Reps
Bye-Law 4 - Elections
Bye-Law 5 - Student-Led Societies
Bye-Law 6 - Executive Committee
Bye-Law 7 - Trustee Sub Committee
Bye-Law 8 - Protecting Members
To ensure the Students' Union is student-led, students can submit Policy to the Students Members Meeting to instruct the Union to take action. To find out more about the Policy of the Students’ Union visit: Policy
The Union is a Charity
The object of the union is the advancement of education of students at Anglia Ruskin University for the public benefit by:
- Promoting the interests and welfare of students at Anglia Ruskin University during their period of study and representing, supporting and advising students.
- Being the recognised representative channel between students and Anglia Ruskin University and any other external bodies.
- Providing social, cultural, sporting and recreational activities and forums for discussions and debate for the personal development of its students.
See our charity registration.
The Union is also a Company Limited by Guarantee
The Union is also a company limited by guarantee (under company registration number 08064796). When you register as a student at Anglia Ruskin University, you automatically become a member of the Union.
See our company registration.
The Union has a Board of Trustees
Our Students' Union has a Board of Trustees made up of Student Trustees, External Trustees and the five Executive Officers.
The Board of Trustees are responsible for the management and administration of the Union and may exercise all the powers of the Union. The Board is chaired by the President. The Board of Trustees have responsibility for the budget, governance and strategy of the Union.
Our trustee board meet regularly throughout the year. Please take a look at the minutes from the most recent meetings.
To ensure we remain student led, we appoint up to four students as Trustees on the Board.
The Current Trustee Board is:
Officer Trustees