January 19

The fifth meeting of the Faculty Voice Committee (FVC) and Liberation, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (LEDIC) taking place on Wednesday 30 January, 3:00PM - 5:00PM



Minutes of the last meeting

Actions and matters arising from the last meeting

Terms of reference


Items for discussion

The Election 2019

EDI Committments 

Ideas Scheme

Exec Away Day

Motion for National Conference

Update on Priority Policy

- Meaningful mental health campaigns

- Liberate the curriculum
- Against Cuts to Education
Against NHS Cuts


Executive Officer Updates


Vice President (Business & Law)

   - International Support Project Plan

Vice President (Health, Education, Medicine & Social Care)

Vice President (Science & Engineering)

  - Compass House Evalutation
  - Compass House Usage Report


Vice President (Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences)


Wider Executive Committee Updates

Campaign Rep Updates

Faculty Rep Updates

Big Ideas*

New Policy*


- Update on Campaigns Budget

- International Support

- Drugs Tests


Easter Exec

Uncollected Hoodies


Date of next meeting: 6th March (Feb Meeting) 2019, 2pm - 4pm