August 2018

The first meeting of the Faculty Voice Committee (FVC) and Liberation, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (LEDIC) taking place on Wednesday 29 August, 2:00PM - 4:00PM



Minutes of the last meeting

Actions and matters arising from the last meeting

Terms of reference

Items for discussion

Deputy President

Financial Support Review

Bye Laws

 - Cover paper

 - Outline of proposed changes

 - Outline of proposed changes to Bye Law 5

 - Bye Laws

Trustee Appointment

Placement Students

Policy & Ideas


Executive Officer Updates

 - Laura's update
 - Year plan
 - History Months  -  (updated here)
 - Rent 
 - Campaign Rep budget

Vice President (Business and Law)
 - Mary's update
 - Carers Awareness  -  (updated here)
 - Part-Time Jobs Fair  -  (updated here)
- Part-Time Jobs Fair - (version 2)

Vice President (Health, Education, Medicine & Social Care)
 - Fraser's update
 - Love Societies
 - Peer Mentoring
 - Budget (updated here)

Vice President (Science & Engineering)
 - Year plan
 - Society Skills
 - Access Denied
Access Denied Budget
 - Society Skills Budget  -  (updated here)

Vice President (Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences)
 - Year plan
 - Best Night In  -  (updated here)
 - Best Night Out
 - Body Positivity  -  (updated here)
 - Managing Stress  -  (updated here)

Vice President (ARU London)
 - Olu's update

Campaign Rep Updates

Faculty Rep Updates

Big Ideas*

New Policy*



Date of next meeting: 26th September 2018, 2pm - 4pm