

Update on the Academy

Following a review of our operations the difficult decision has been made to close the Cambridge bar from 11th April 2019.

There are three core reasons for this decision:

  1. The ending of our partnership with Vodka Revolutions (Prop Box)  and subsequent loss of income from this partnership.
  2. Long term financial under-performance of the bar & entertainments programme at the Academy, generating significant losses each year.
  3. Significant additional financial losses this year putting us seriously behind our budget.

Whilst the Union cannot afford to continue to operate the pop-up bar in the Academy space, we are committed to ensuring that this does not have a detrimental impact on society activity. In line with feedback gathered in society forums in Cambridge, the Union will continue to manage the Academy space in the evenings and support student-led events and activity.

Whilst we will no longer be hosting Mid Week Mash Up and Prop Box, we understand that Revolutions will be continuing to run student focussed events throughout the week.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss how this decision may impact on your activity, please email Bethan Dudas, Acting CEO

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