Free Printing

Free Printing

A campaign led by Johanna Korhonen, VP Arts, Law and Social Science


I started this campaign when I was in my third year doing media studies because a lot of my course mates gave me feedback that printing was one of the biggest costs they struggled with as students because Books+ Card currently can’t be used for printing.

This campaign aims to, first of all, reduce the amount of printing that students are required to do by lobbying the university to move towards online submissions and reduce hard copy printing, and secondly to aim to provide students with a means to pay for printing, such as Books+ funds or printing vouchers.

The overall aim is to reduce the amount of money that students have to spend to print work that is required for their degrees. This will also have a positive environmental impact as it reduces the amount of paper that the university uses.


Campaign Aims:

  • Reduce hard copy submissions by moving towards online submissions across the University
  • Provide students with a means of payment for printing 



  • We ordered stickers 'Printing Costs me and the Earth!' to raise awareness that unnecessary printing for submissions costs students a lot of money and also has an environmental impact. 
  • Students can stick a sticker on their cover sheet during submission period at iCentre front desk to be part of the campaign!


Semester One Update:

We have circulated a survey for Course Reps to submit feedback regarding required printing on their course.

E-submissions has been raised with Deputy Vice Chancellor Aletta Norval, who agrees that we should be reducing the amount of printing that students have to do.

We have been gathering data regarding which courses still submit in hard-copy but could be moved online


Semester Two Update:

We are still figuring out how to get accurate data of the courses that submit hard-copy, collaborating with Student Services, iCentre, and Faculties.

Moving towards online submissions has been added to the Environmental Policy of ALSS and we aim this to be added to the Environmental Policy for the other faculties soon.

Stickers are at the iCentres on both campuses so please do use them if you submit in hard-copy.

Books Plus / Student Financial Support Review is currently happening where discussion about Books Plus and how it will look like in the future is taking place.