News Article

Safer Nights Out

Our statement to clubs requiring more safety, and resources that may be useful for those feeling unsafe on a night out.

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Our Appeal to Clubs 

Dear Cambridgeshire nightclubs, 

In response to the alarming incidence of drink spiking in the locality, the Cambridge University Student Union, the Anglia Ruskin University Student Union, and 41 Cambridge University college representative committees have voted, and subsequently would like to formally issue an appeal regarding nightclub safety. 

In a month's time, on the 27th November, both Student Unions and the Cambridge college’s committees will reassess whether we believe your nightclub sufficiently meets our standards of safety--as evidenced by your official club policy and correspondence with us. These standards apply to both university-affiliated and regular club nights. 

While the university unions and committees are conscious of and grateful for the longstanding history of collaboration between the universities and local nightclubs, they simply cannot justify the current risk to student safety. The university unions and committees will therefore prioritize collaborating with and promoting attendance to the establishments that demonstrate--via a running correspondence with the unions--their concrete plans to meet the following expectations: 

  1. Club staff should possess a contacts roster of all the Cambridge colleges’ and Anglia Ruskin accommodations’ 24/7 staff. Please find the roster attached. 

         a. If your employees deem a student unfit to return home safely, they are encouraged--with permission from the student--to contact the relevant accommodation staff                       member such that University staff can facilitate their safe return. The roster includes points of contact for students residing in off-site or private housing. 

                  i. We expect this procedure to be taken seriously both in instances of spiking and general over-intoxication. 

                  ii. We will endeavour to ensure that this process is isolated from punitive disciplinary procedures on the part of the universities. 

         b. We expect that this roster will be readily available for use as needed. 

         c. If an individual is not affiliated with Cambridge University or Anglia Ruskin University, please follow your existing safety protocol. 

         d. If an individual’s state is so dire that they are not able to communicate their university or college/residency affiliation--basic pieces of information--it is likely that the                    police or emergency hospital services would need to be involved instead. Please consider the roster to be a useful tool that supplements your existing emergency                        procedures. 

   2. Drink covers must be available with drink purchases at no extra cost to students. These can be made of cling film or another material at the venue’s discretion. We expect: 

        a. The presence of optional drink covers to be advertised 

        b. Drink covers to be readily available and not portrayed as a nuisance to staff 

        c. An understanding that, while gifting or selling branded reusable drink covers is encouraged but not expected, it is not a substitution for drink covers available behind the               bar. 

  3. Serving and disposing of drinks: 

      a. Drinks should be served directly in the hands of the customer 

       b. If a customer is visibly buying a drink for another person, the respective drink should be handed directly to the customer to which it is being gifted 

            i. This applies regardless of whether or not the drink has a cover 

      c. Unattended drinks should be promptly cleared, regardless of how empty they are. We further encourage--if possible under your license--that you allow drinks in smoking             areas, as many unattended drinks are a result of students leaving them behind to attend a smoking zone. 

  4. The legal consequences of drink spiking should be adequately displayed to customers. We recommend posters by the bar and/or in the bathrooms. Should you choose to          display this in the bathrooms, these posters should be present in all bathrooms regardless of sex. 

  5. We expect that all nightclub staff undergo extensive training in prevention of and response to incidents of predation. 

       a. The university representatives are wary of how the increased surveillance in nightclubs may give rise to racial profiling and other forms of discrimination. Hence, we                      expect staff training curricula to include anti-discrimination and bias training. 

       b. We expect all future employees to also undergo training. 

       c. If your establishment requires assistance in selecting an appropriate training program/s for employees, it is welcome to contact the Cambridge University 

           Student Union for guidance. 

  6. If a drink spiking incident is reported to your establishment, we advise you to encourage the student to reach out to the relevant university staff member and inform them of        the incident such that the university can ensure additional pastoral provisions. To facilitate reporting and allow time for a victim to come forward, we encourage                            establishments to ensure that CCTV is installed in all relevant areas and that the footage is stored for a minimum of 7 days. 

 7. We encourage your venue to implement the ‘Ask for Angela’ scheme. 

     a. This can be implemented by undergoing WAVE (Welfare and Vulnerability Engagement) Training, which is accessible via the Safer Sounds Partnership website. 

     b. We suggest having information regarding the scheme displayed in club bathroom cubicles. 

           i. Should you choose to display this, as advised, in club bathrooms, this should occur in all bathroom cubicles regardless of sex 

As elected bodies we are extremely optimistic about your establishment’s willingness to participate in long-term improvements to create a safer and more enjoyable social environment for our students. We also acknowledge that clubs are not the only loci of predation and we are hard at work endeavouring to improve the security of our own spaces. We are also working on ensuring that our 24/7 staff are well equipped to act accordingly when contacted by a nightclub via the contacts roster. We would also like to applaud recent efforts on the part of local nightclubs to adapt to security threats. Finally, we are hopeful for a long future of collaborations between the universities and local nightclubs. Thank you in advance for your contributions to our community. 



Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union 

Cambridge University Students’ Union 


Safer Nights out Info



Cambridgeshire Constabulary are working in partnership with Cambridge Businesses against Crime CAMBAC to make your night out as safe as possible. We want you to enjoy yourself and feel safe in Cambridge. To do this we are running several campaigns that we would like you to know about  


What you need to know

POLICE – Most weeks on a Friday and Saturday throughout the year there will be two officers on dedicated patrols around the city to keep you safe. This project is being headed by PC 78 Beatrice LEY and PC 2446 EJ MATTHEWS 

CAMBAC – We provide radios to businesses and licenced premises in Cambridge city. Almost all the venues in town will have a radio so if you see something that doesn’t feel right report it to a member of staff and that information can be quickly shared with other venues. CAMBAC also arrange training for staff in licensed venues around first aid and security.   

TAXI MARSHALLS  - Will be out most Fridays and Saturdays by the St Andrews Street Taxi rank. They are there to ensure people can get home safely after a night out. 


Street Pastors and Nightline 

STREET PASTORS – On the streets of Cambridge (and many other places in the UK) Street Pastors usually patrol every Friday and Saturday night from 10 pm to 4 am in and around the city centre, whatever the weather. We wear blue caps and uniforms with STREET PASTORS in luminous lettering, so are very easy to spot. All street pastors in Cambridge will be carrying ID cards which identify them as being part of the organisation. There to help and offer support if you are lost or feel sick – ALSO CONNECT TO CAMBAC RADIOS.  

NIGHTLINE  - In Downing Place church next to Revolutions bar – if you need a hot drink someone to talk to, or just feel unsafe  

07963 041 570 (Fridays & Saturdays only, 10:00pm - 4:00am) 
NIGHTLITE (Safe Space): 
07906 954 970 (Saturdays only, 10:00pm - 4:00am) 


Ask Angela

If you are feeling unsafe on a night out, if someone if giving you unwanted attention you can go to any member of bar staff and ASK FOR ANGELA, this will let staff know that you are in a situation where you need help without alerting this information to others. 




Chelmsford SOS

Chelmsford SOS is an on street medical triage facility, that:

  • provides medical assistance

  • acts as a place of safety and shelter

The facility is open from 10pm to 4am on Friday and Saturday nights from April to September, and in December.

It is open on from 10pm to 4am on bank holiday weekends and Saturday nights in October, November, and from January to March.

These times will vary depending on coronavirus restrictions.


Street Pastors

Street Pastors provide practical and emotional support. They are active from 10pm to 4am on most Friday and Saturday nights.

These times will vary depending on coronavirus restrictions.


Safe Zone App 

Visit to download the free app to your phone. 

SafeZone makes it easy for you to get help or request assistance any time you're on campus or in University-owned student accommodation. It works 24/7 and will connect you directly with our Security Services team if you need first aid, have an emergency or want to report something. 

The app is used by universities around the world. You can find out more about its features by visiting 

If you have any feedback on the app, or the information and services we provide, email

