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Trimester 1 (2023/34) SSLC Summary

Find out how your elected representatives supported you in last Trimester's Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) meeting


This is an update of the Trimester 1 SSLC meetings that were running in Oct./Nov. 2023. In those meetings were highlighted Positive Course-Related Feedback and areas of improvement, feedback related to the facilities in both campuses (East India, Farringdon), as well as updates from the university related to the Module Evaluation Surveys (MES) and Course Delivery and Curriculum Revisions. 


Students across various disciplines expressed high satisfaction with the quality of teaching and overall educational experience.  In specific courses like Finance and Accounting, Business & Law, and Health and Social Care, students commended the delivery of courses, appreciating lecturers for their professionalism, experience, and patience. The clarity of assessments and the helpfulness of academic support services also received high praise. Students felt that the engaging and innovative teaching methods greatly enhanced their learning experience. These aspects contributed significantly to a conducive learning environment, where students felt supported, challenged, and motivated to engage deeply with their studies.


Despite the overall positive feedback, students identified areas for course-related improvements. Concerns were raised about certain modules being challenging or lacking in clarity, with students suggesting more interactive and skill-developing activities over theoretical content. The need for clearer objectives at the start of courses was emphasized, along with a call for more engaging events and activities to boost student participation and motivation. Additionally, there were requests for the earlier release of assignment briefs to aid better planning and preparation. The feedback highlighted a desire for a more hands-on approach to learning, with suggestions for role-plays and practical exercises to prepare students for real-life job scenarios. This feedback was taken seriously by the academic staff, who acknowledged the importance of such suggestions in enhancing the overall learning experience. They committed to addressing these concerns, demonstrating a willingness to continuously improve the curriculum and teaching methodologies to better meet student needs and expectations.


Feedback on facilities and organizational aspects of the campuses was generally positive, with students expressing satisfaction with the campus environment, student support services, and available facilities. However, there were specific concerns raised about the need for additional power sockets, better coffee quality, and more vending machine options, reflecting a desire for improved amenities to support the daily needs of students. Issues of overcrowded classrooms and limited seating were also highlighted, pointing to a need for better space management and infrastructure planning. The feedback underscored the importance of a comfortable and well-equipped physical learning environment in enhancing student satisfaction and academic performance. The university acknowledged these issues and committed to exploring solutions, such as extending library opening hours and providing more charging points in classrooms. These efforts demonstrated a responsive and proactive approach to addressing student needs and improving the overall campus experience.


Additional feedback from students touched on various aspects of their educational experience. Concerns were raised about fraudulent attendance practices, indicating a need for stricter monitoring and communication of attendance policies. The importance of understanding and supporting specific roles, such as Course Champion Representatives, was highlighted, with a call for more awareness and assistance for these positions. Students also expressed specific needs related to online delivery options, particularly for health and social care students and single parents, suggesting a demand for more flexible learning modalities. Networking opportunities, particularly for Business and Marketing students, were identified as an area needing improvement, with students seeking more chances to connect with industry professionals and peers. The issue of limited food options and the need for affordable prices were also brought up, alongside a request for parking reductions, reflecting broader concerns about student welfare and campus life. These points underscore the complex needs of a diverse student body and the ongoing efforts by the institution to create a supportive, inclusive, and engaging educational environment.


The reports presented in the SSLC meetings provided insightful data on student feedback and academic standards. The Module Evaluation Surveys (MES) showed a low student response rate, but the feedback received was overwhelmingly positive, indicating high satisfaction with module delivery.


Discussions around course delivery and curriculum revisions highlighted the institution's ongoing efforts to adapt and enhance its educational offerings. Proposals for revisions were considered, with updates to certain courses following validation processes. The revalidation of undergraduate courses and the incorporation of student feedback into curriculum development were noted. These efforts to revise and enhance course delivery reflected a dynamic and student-cantered approach to education, ensuring that courses remained up-to-date, relevant, and aligned with the evolving needs of students and the job market.


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