Tabletop & Gaming Society (TAGS)

Welcome to the Tabletop and Gaming Society Page!

The Tabletop and Gaming Society (TaGS) aims to provide a friendly environment in which members can play any form of tabletop game, from miniature wargaming through modern designer board games to roleplaying games. We hold a regular evening every Monday and Tuesday from 4pm to 9pm, with rooms being subject to change, notifications are sent on all our social media.

We have a Facebook page to keep people updated ( or find us on instagram @arutags.

Gain access to our Discord when you buy our membership or through the ARU Discord Hub.

Please read our Code of Conduct before joining the society:

We are dedicated to being as environmentally friendly as possible. 


We look forward to seeing you there :)


Sorry, there are no memberships available to purchase.

Society Committee


Dungeon Master


Vice President

Tabletop & Gaming Society (TAGS)

Welcome to the Tabletop and Gaming Society Page!

The Tabletop and Gaming Society (TaGS) aims to provide a friendly environment in which members can play any form of tabletop game, from miniature wargaming through modern designer board games to roleplaying games. We hold a regular evening every Monday and Tuesday from 4pm to 9pm, with rooms being subject to change, notifications are sent on all our social media.

We have a Facebook page to keep people updated ( or find us on instagram @arutags.

Gain access to our Discord when you buy our membership or through the ARU Discord Hub.

Please read our Code of Conduct before joining the society:

We are dedicated to being as environmentally friendly as possible. 


We look forward to seeing you there :)

Upcoming Events

We don't have anything planned right now but check back soon!