
Capitalism is in its deepest ever crisis. We are crushed under austerity, rising prices, and inflation. Meanwhile, our ruling class makes millions on our labour and on wars in Palestine, Yemen, Ukraine, and Sudan.

It's clear that the system isn't working. We are here to organise students at ARU who want to join the fight against capitalism and imperialism!


Join us! Message our Instagram @arumarxsoc to join!


  • Marxist Standard Membership£0.00

Products and Merch

  • Marxist January Postgraduate Membership£0.00

Society Committee



Capitalism is in its deepest ever crisis. We are crushed under austerity, rising prices, and inflation. Meanwhile, our ruling class makes millions on our labour and on wars in Palestine, Yemen, Ukraine, and Sudan.

It's clear that the system isn't working. We are here to organise students at ARU who want to join the fight against capitalism and imperialism!


Join us! Message our Instagram @arumarxsoc to join!

Upcoming Events

We don't have anything planned right now but check back soon!

No elections are currently running