Filipino Society


Welcome to ARU Filipino Society. Filipinos are well-known for being warm and welcoming. As a society we aim to provide our members with a 'home away from home' in an environment where there are plenty of opportunities and events to engage in and experience Filipino culture. Filipino society is a diverse cultural society and community that unites students from all backgrounds - both Filipinos and non-Filipinos celebrating the culture of the Philippines.


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Society Committee

Filipino Society


Welcome to ARU Filipino Society. Filipinos are well-known for being warm and welcoming. As a society we aim to provide our members with a 'home away from home' in an environment where there are plenty of opportunities and events to engage in and experience Filipino culture. Filipino society is a diverse cultural society and community that unites students from all backgrounds - both Filipinos and non-Filipinos celebrating the culture of the Philippines.

Upcoming Events

We don't have anything planned right now but check back soon!