
The Student Summit - Q&A

You ask, we answer!

Does the SU run any International projects that students can get involved with?

We absolutely do! Throughout the year we will hold events for a range of International holidays and celebrations, in semester 2 keep an eye out for one of our spotlight events, Global Week!

If there are any events that you would like to see us run, please do let us know and contact our Opportunities Managers, Abi -

Are there any student discounts available?

As a student you can purchase an NUS totum card, this card will give you access to a whole range of different discounts from supermarket shops to travel and even some restaurants. Click here to find out more about it


Where can I find out about SU events?

There are many different ways you can find out about SU events! In our fortnightly newsletters we will keep you up to date with our upcoming events that you can participate in, we also have a Facebook and Instagram page where we also post about our different events!

You can also take a look at our what's on page to find out more about the events we run!


How can someone work at the SU?

Check out our Job Opporuntities page to see any vacant positions that we have! We offer student staff employment at our commercial outlets, on our welcome desk and also as SU Heroes to help out during key events such as freshers!


When are the elections held for societies?

The elections for societies will normally take place over the summer period, with any vacant and unfilled positions taking place in October


Does the SU provide any volunteering opportunities?

Ofcourse! We have a team dedicated to providing students with volunteering opportunities! Click here to find out more about the team and what we offer


How can I get involved with the SU?

At the SU we offer a range of different services and opportunities such as:

Representation - Through course reps, faculty reps, campaign reps and our Officers you can make sure you get your voice heard and even have the chance to stand for one of these positions

Societies - Student led groups that are suppported by the SU to hold a range of different events and activities! Societies can range from faith based, to course based, to interest/hobby based societies 

Volunteering - If you find yourself with extra time on your hands and want to take up some volunterring opportunities and develop some skills, our volunteering team will be there to help you out

Student Jobs - At the SU we like to provide students with an extra way of making some extra money through flexible jobs that fit and work around your studies

Events - Throughout the year the SU will be running and hosting a whole range of different events for you to take part in, some student favourites include Freshers, Global Week, Holi and so much more


How many times throughout the semester can we miss lectures?

We would always recommend that students attend every lecture they are able to however, if you find yourself unable to attend for any reason you can reach out to your tutor to discuss what support you may need so you don't miss out

Will the SU space return to being open 24hrs? 

At the moment our Chelmsford SU space is open 24hrs, the opening hours for our Cambridge space hasn't been revisited yet. If you would like to address this with our SU president you can email them here


Will the SU be looking at whether Vice Presidents should only stand for the faculty they study in?

At this moment we are conducting a democracy review, which means we are currently reviewing the roles that we offer through our rep structure to ensure that we are acting and responding to your best interests as a student. Any decision that gets made from the role will be based on student feedback as you are at the heart of everything that we do


Do you offer support to resolve conflicts between students?

For certain cases you will be able to get support from our independant, confidential SU advisers, click here to find out about how our advisers can help you


What support is there for mental health and how can I access it?

There is a range of support services available here at ARU! The university has a dedicated Counselling & Wellbeing Service that can provide workshops, self guides, out of hours support and more. 

There are also the Peer Wellbeing Mentors who you can often find in our SU spaces hosting a range of different mindful and fun activities to take you away from academic and other life stresses. 

Here at the SU we also have Mental Health Reps as part of our Executive Committee who will campaign, run events and deliver feedback to ensure that all ARU students get the mental health and wellbeing support they need. 


Have you got any events for mature students?

All the events we run as an SU are open to everyone and everyone is welcome! You can even set up a Mature Students' Society with the support of the SU team, if you are interested in setting up a new society click here.


What support do we have for students that suffer with OCD/ADHD?

ARU offer a support service where you can get support and any reasonable adjustments to ensure that you are able to enjoy the full student experience. Click here to find out more


Are students allowed to transfer to different groups on the same course?

If you feel that you would benefit from changing groups on your course it would be best to speak to an ARU student adviser to see if that would be possible. 


Can we have an ARU Sports Day?

While we do not have an ARU Sports Day, between the SU and TeamARU we do offer a range of supporting clubs and groups for you to get involved with! Click here to find out more about campus sport and here to find any SU sports clubs