The Rep Framework

What is the Representation Framework?

View the Rep Framework here

The Rep Framework was developed collaboratively by the University, Students' Union and Course Reps and launched in 2014. It sets out clear expectations, roles and responsibilities of each member of the partnership in relation to the election and support of Course Reps, and how each party can actively ensure students are engaged collectively in the enhancement of their educational experience. 

This is a working document which we hope will develop over time, with input from the Anglia Ruskin community. It will shortly be reviewed and updated. 

The overall purpose of the representation system at Anglia Ruskin is to ensure that the student voice is heard, delivered to the appropriate forum, and acted upon to improve the student experience. The general responsibilities of each stakeholder as part of this system are as follows:

  • The Students’ Union – the recognised representative body for all Anglia Ruskin students – manages the representation system, supports and develops effective representatives
  • Course Reps – focus on finding ways to develop and improve the academic experience of students on their courses. Working closely with the Students' Union, they gather feedback to present at a range of different meetings. They also highlight good work that takes place, work with staff to solve problems, and importantly, relay outcomes back to students
  • University – give students the opportunity shape their learning experience by supporting the representation system, providing a platform to share feedback, and working with them to create positive change 

Why have a Framework? 

The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)’s UK Quality Code for Higher Education sets out a requirement for HE providers to “take deliberate steps to engage all students, individually and collectively, as partners in the assurance and enhancement of their educational experience”. There is an expectation in each chapter of the Quality Code accompanied by a set of indicators that reflect sound practice, through which providers can demonstrate that they are meeting that expectation. Chapter B5 in particular covers “student engagement at undergraduate and postgraduate level, irrespective of location, mode of study, teaching delivery, or discipline”. This chapter is related to the role of students in quality assurance and enhancement, including representation of student views through formal mechanisms. 

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