Online Course Rep Induction

 Course Rep Online Induction


Below is the Online Rep Induction - This should take around half an hour to complete. 

As a Course Rep, you are expected to complete a training session for every year that you spend in your role.

This online training is perfect if you are a second or third-time rep and you feel like you don't need to do the full in-person session.

If this is your first time as a rep this training will still be fine, but if you prefer to do an in-person session please contact:

AHESS - Jo Bunkle -

B&L or FSE - Rebecca Hinton -

HeMS - Tom Heald -

This induction is ONLY for elected course representatives. You will not be considered a course representative if you HAVE NOT been elected by your peers.

If you have any issues accessing or completing the training or are unsure of anything, please contact Emma Howes -