News Article

Police & Crime Commissioner Elections

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On 15 November 2012 a Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) will be elected for each of the 41 police areas in England (excluding London) and Wales.  PCCs will take up office on 22 November and the current police authorities will be abolished.

Their aim is to cut crime and deliver an effective and efficient police service. 

The One Team Policing PCC website aims to provide you with all the latest information in the lead up to the PCC election as we move towards polling day, providing you with instant access to reference material, useful web links and up to date and reliable news on all aspects of the election.  Prospective candidates also have access to a range of online services and specialist support to help them between now and November.

Whether you are studying in the two counties below or you live here permanently, you have the right to vote on who will ensure your community needs are met as effectively as possible and who will improve the local relationships through building confidence and trust. 

Find out who is running in the county where you are studying:

CAMBRIDGESHIRE (inc Peterborough)


What their role is: 

Listening to and serving the public

Consult widely with the public including vulnerable people and victims of crime in particular;

Set policing priorities in line with the needs of local communities;

Publish an Annual Report outlining if priorities and targets have been met;


Monitor the performance of the Force and hold the Chief Constable to account;

 Appoint and if necessary dismiss the Chief Constable.

Value for Money

Ensure an effective and efficient police force and criminal justice system;

 Set the police budget and the policing precept (the precept is the part of the local council tax that goes to the police);

Receive all police grants (including community safety funding) and be responsible for commissioning services within the force area

Working with Partners

Work closely with relevant partners within the force area ensuring effective consultation and the commissioning of joint community safety activity;

Regional and National Responsibilities

Have regard to the contribution of force resources to regional and national capabilities as outlined in the Strategic Policing Requirement (SPR);


Find out more -






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