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Do I have to drink at Freshers?

All your friends are... but does that mean you have to?

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Let’s face it, Freshers Week generally gets stereotyped as a time when everyone goes out every night and gets really drunk. And for some, this is what Freshers is all about. But what if you don’t drink or if drinking every night just isn’t your thing? Some people worry that being alcohol free can make it harder to make friends or join in social events, but don’t worry, you can still have an amazing Freshers Week without any alcohol. Here are our tops tips for enjoying a booze free Freshers.




Not drinking doesn’t mean you can’t join in! Go along to the Freshers Week events, go out with your flatmates and join in all the fun. Your new friends might be drinking but it doesn’t mean you have to, plus there will be plenty of non-alcoholic options available at the bar, from virgin cocktails to good old-fashioned lemonade!





We put on loads of Freshers events that are not based around alcohol. Our Freshers Fairs are a prime opportunity to sign up to societies and make new friends (remember to download the Freshers app before you go along, so you can sign up to societies at the touch of a button). Plus there’ll be quiz nights, Give It A Gos, and live-music gigs to enjoy.


Never be afraid to do your thing, don’t worry about telling people that you don’t drink, be open with people about it and they’re likely to be open and accepting in return. Plus, you’re not under any obligation to give a reason, you’re perfectly entitled to say you don’t drink without having to give a justification.




Some people think Students’ Unions are just places to go out and have a drink (or three). But did you know we are far more than that? Here at ARU Students’ Union we run more than a hundred student led societies, provide a free and impartial Advice Service independent from the university, provide loads of amazing volunteering opportunities and run a student representation scheme across the university so you can instigate change, run campaigns and challenge university policy. Plus we also run some awesome events - and not all of them are drinking related!


Oh and remember, not drinking means while your flatmates might be feeling rough the next morning, you’ll be feeling fresh and ready to go and explore your new home and join in all our great day time events!



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