News Article

New Student Lounge

Your new social space on campus needs your help

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Meeting with free pizza

8th November 2012 5pm @ Student Lounge

Have your input on what your Student Lounge will look like. 

Register your interest with us - RichardEmma Francesca 

We are working with the University to sort out a new student social space for you on the Cambridge campus. 

Currently it looks like this (boring & green)

It's MUM 021 - in between the library and Ruskin, underneath the medical centre. 

We need your input! 

We have put togetherthis student discussion group to make this space what you want it to be so get in touch with us! 

You will have free reign on what it looks like; the furniture, the electrics, the walls and many other aspects. 

This is your chance to put your stamp on your experience whilst at ARU. 


Olawale David Awoyinka
1:24pm on 26 Mar 13 i hope its not too late to suggest having a microwave ?
Gabbi Foreman - Academic Officer
3:25pm on 25 Oct 12 I agree with Dan, not a fan of the lime green.
Francesca Rust - President
4:02pm on 24 Oct 12 Thank you all so much for the comments!!! Meeting at 5pm on 8th Nov in the Lounge if you want to come!
Chiyedza Heri
8:05pm on 23 Oct 12 A Television. With the news showing ,and possibly have a match on at times.
Dean Bowyer
1:26pm on 23 Oct 12 Maybe a wall to post pictures and results from the clubs as well as upcoming events for societies. You could also maybe include a side shoot of the skills exchange for people that are not online so much where people can post for help or offer their skills:)
Daniel Taylor
1:26pm on 23 Oct 12 Needs a drinks and snack machines. Also maybe a juke box with only chilled music on it... Also NOT LIME GREEN!!!! that looks terrible. dont like the long meeting style table with pillars too much either, feels too much like a generic work area.
Keri Russell
4:58pm on 19 Oct 12 You should have a graffiti wall, and a place for people to put up pictures of mid week mash up and other events. Maybe zone it a little so a really bright part of the room and then a quieter part... more chill out zone part.
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