News Article

What is Student Council?

Getting to know a bit more about Student Council.

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Student council is the Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union decision-making and policy-setting meeting.

Is there a campaign going on internationally, nationally or locally that you support and want more support for? Well here is where you get the Students’ Union to support and stand behind it.
Some policies which can be put forward are: to combat rape culture, to get the Students’ Union and the University to pay the living wage, to work on maintaining or reducing accommodation costs plus many, many more.

Often decision making and policies can get confused especially since a policy often makes a decision. Both decision making and policies present the ‘collective voice’ of the members of Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union (ARUSU) but a policy calls for action to be taken.

Decision making and policies actively affects ARUSU, but it also can mean we lobby the university and external organisations from the National Rail to Tesco.

In our first Student Council only Club and Society committee members and reps having voting rights, however coming gives you the power to sway their decision.
Every ARUSU member (the whole 20,000+ of you) has the right to come to the Student Council, to have your voice, opinions and concerns heard.As your elected officers it is our job to help and support you through any decision making or policies you want! So submit your initial ideas here.

Let’s get deciding!

Aisha D’Souza

Academic Office



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