News Article

Trimester 1 Student-Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs) Outcomes

ARU London Coordinator and ARU London Communications Coordinator

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In November, your newly elected Course Champions kicked off their duties by attending their Student-Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs). SSLCs are meetings organised once per trimester and it is where the senior management t team of the university, Course Champions, and the Students’ Union come together and listen to student feedback for the sake of students.



During the November SSLCs the following issues were raised:

  • Some Course Champions raised concerns on behalf of students who are struggling with attendance recording due to the Wi-Fi issues. Students were reassured by the senior management team that they would not be negatively affected due to the connection problems.
  • Some students reported the absence of Personal Development Tutors (PDTs). The university advised students to check their VLE and student email to find out the contact details of their PDTs.
  • A question about the future of the hybrid learning pilot model available for some of the groups now has been discussed. The university will consider the effectiveness of the project and decide on the implementation of the hybrid learning approach on a constant basis later in the academic year.
  • Finance & Accounting students emphasised the need to have access to a wider range of accounting software to enhance their employability. The senior management team recommended students reach out to Learning Resources Centre to discover what options are currently available. In the meantime, the university will look into what other programmes and courses they can bring.
  • LLB students highlighted the importance of establishing a Law Clinic at ARU London following the example of the core campus in Cambridge. The university is going to investigate how this can be done.
  • In terms of infrastructure, students advocated for increasing the number of sockets, microwaves, and kettles on both campuses. Also, a request to have colour printing came up. A question about having a canteen on the Farringdon campus has been mentioned by one of the Course Champions. The response was that this opportunity has been considered in the past but found irrelevant due to the number of options around the campus. Please have a look at this article where your SU Coordinator, Ksenia, has collected some of the lunch options around Farringdon for you: Best Lunch Spots Around Farringdon (



A couple of messages from the university that have been addressed during the meetings:

  • If any of the students are financially struggling then they can reach out to the ARU London Finance department to seek support, including applying for the hardship: Finance Department (
  • Students should not bring their kids on campus as ARU London insurance doesn’t cover it.
  • Students have been asked to arrive on time for their classes and exams, but, if they are late they should come in quietly to avoid interrupting lectures.
  • The university thanked all students for completing the surveys and stressed that their feedback is highly important to make positive change happen.
  • If you have any feedback head off to this page to find out the contact details of your Class Reps: Rep contacts (




Nidhi Bharatbhai Patel
7:44pm on 7 Dec 23 This comprehensive summary provides an overview of the issues discussed, solutions proposed, and university messages communicated during the November SSLCs. It's a good reference for understanding the current concerns and initiatives within the academic community.
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