Musical Theatre - Cambridge

Music and performing arts- General meet-Cambridge

Music and performing arts- General meet-Cambridge

Our general meets are every Wednesday, The rooms we use have rehearsal space for dance, choreography etc in addition we have Pianos in the room that we use. We are able to hire out instruments and equipment so let us know before the evening :)

Wed 23 May 2018 18:00-21:00

HEL 037 HEL038A

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Music and performing arts- General meet-Cambridge

Hi all,

Our general meets are every Wednesday, The rooms we use have rehearsal space for dance, choreography etc in addition we have Pianos in the room that we use. We are able to hire out instruments and equipment so let us know before the evening if you need anything. If there is anything specific ythat you would like to practice on e.g singing with a professional. Please don't hesitate to ask :)