
Mitigation/Appeal Workshop

Mitigation/Appeal Workshop

During exam season find out more about the processes there to help you if something goes awry with our Cambridge Advisers.

Thu 23 May 2019 14:00-16:00

PTH SU Meeting Room (by appointment)

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Mitigation/Appeal Workshop

It's exam time for students at ARU and we at the Advice Service know more than others how stressful it can be to traverse that landscape! 

We're not Study Skills or the iCentre- we can't help with your academic work or give you an extension, but we can talk to you about the processes there to help you if life takes a turn. 

If something unforeseen and sudden has happened in your life to affect your ability to study you might be eligible for Mitigation. 

If you think there has been an error on the part of the university you may be eligible to Appeal. 


Neither of these processes depend on your grade, so don't delay. Come to a workshop and find out more about how we can help!