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Candidate for the position of BA (Hons) Social Policy - Year 1 Rep

Image for HEIRO GLI


Hi my name is Heiro, I'm 23 yrs old and I'm studying social policy at anglia. I want to tell you why I would make a good class rep. 

First of all, us students are the key for a successful university! , so it’s important for you to stand up and make your voice heard. If you vote for me, I promise to do everything I can to represent you fairly, honestly, and with passion and determination. I have many experiences which I believe will enhance my work.

I have always been known as the loud and outgoing friend and this has been an advantage to the people I'm surrounded by, I always try to help them get treated the way they're supposed to be treated and I always make sure that my friends and family have their voices heard when necessary.

 Coming to university is a big step, whether you’re moving away from home for the first time or not. A lot of students experience some form of mental health problem during their time at uni, and not all of them know where and how to get support. There is too much stigma surrounding mental health, leaving sufferers feeling lost and ashamed. I want to open the dialogue on mental health to help combat this stigma. I want to help each and everyone of you to feel like you have someone to speak up for you in any matter and place, I want everyone to feel important and respected. 

However, there might be a few of you that would like to be more involved in the SU, and I already know there are a few things that you would like to change. Hopefully we can create a strong togetherness that would help us and make us more confident through these remaining years at anglia. 

Let's all stand with A hero :)