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Candidate for the position of BA (Hons) Computer Games Art - Year 1 Rep



Breakthroughs are done when brilliant ideas are pilled on brilliant ideas from past students, it's what academic evolution depends on. Let us build on briliant minds that came before us and push for a better course, better students and a better Anglia.

My time as Representative for Computer Games Art will be spent trying to make our learning more time efficient and productive.

I would try to get my class the opportunity to work on our projects from home as well as during the night, which means either we could get the option to pay our monthly student Adobe Photoshop with John Smith's card or enable the emulation of a desktop from our work environment onto our personal computers.

I would like to create a shared data storage bank with various images and everything that our class finds inspirational put onto it and passed on to next generations so that they can use and improve our own idea.

These are two of the great ideas that were asked of me and I would definitely want to explore the possibility of making my colleagues' wishes come true while keeping it course friendly.