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Candidate for the position of LGBT+ Students’ Rep (Cambridge)




My name is Leon and I am a 3rd year Forensic Science student and am running for LGBT+ rep this year. I am very passionate about creating equality in a university environment and dedicated to making sure all people who self-define as LGBT+ feel safe and comfortable on campus.

Stonewall charity found that 1 in 5 LGBT people are victims of a hate crime. And four in five of these crimes go unreported. I want to work with the students union and the university to make sure that not only are these hate crimes not happening. But, should they occur, students feel comfortable reporting them to the appropriate people. I would like the union and uni to join Stonewalls ComeOutForLGBT campaign and start using their Diversity Champions Programme to help this happen.

I would also like to work with the LGBT+ societies, other liberation reps and the union to continue their work on mental health to help people feel the ability to come out safely and not feel they will be judged in any way.

A student led project that I will be continuing is the use of rainbow lanyards to signify either being part of or a friend of the LGBT+ community. This has already been established in one faculty and I want to spread it to others to show unity and equality in the university as a whole.

I would really like to be LGBT+ rep this year and feel a sense of achievement that the community is being well represented in the university.

Thankyou for reading :)