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Candidate for the position of BA (Hons) Marketing - Year 1 Rep



My name is Avy Andersen and I am running for the position of marketing course representative. I am a dedicated, confident, creative student with experience across the marketing sector. I have previously worked within the ranks of two major advertising agencies which has given me a vital insight into industry practice. I have a good track record in time management, organisational skills and the ability to understand and communicate with a variety of different audiences.

As a first-year student on marketing course, I have already seen the potential that our course has to offer so I hope that with your vote and confidence I can help the marketing department develop further to try and provide the best student experience for the upcoming academic year. 

My initial aim is to raise the awareness of our classes to our teachers, I intend to raise any issues or inquiries that you have with the Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) every semester. As well as this I will make myself available to everyone in our class, if you have a problem or are unhappy in any way please find me, let me know and I will try my best to fix or help with the issue. 

To close, I hope I can count on your vote so that we can move forward to build stronger relationships with our course leaders, fix any issues that you have whether it is with seminars, lectures or the university its self!