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Candidate for the position of B&L Faculty Rep (Cambridge)



As your next LAIBS Faculty Rep, I will work hard to ensure everybody’s voice is heard. I want to ensure that any changes affect our student experience positively.

I’m currently a course rep for Business Management students and am  also actively involved in the Faculty, through the LAIBS Intern scheme. This makes me a good fit for Faculty Rep, as I work closely with SU and LAIBS staff.

My main priority is to lobby for business experience trips. They have been helpful to students in the past and provide great networking opportunities and experiences that inevitably help us become more employable.

Secondly, my aim is to ensure that all of our lectures are both captivating and engaging. I want students to enjoy their university experience and that includes academic life. Working with the faculty as a team will ensure that all of our lectures are engaging.

Finally, I will work with the Vice President of LAIBS to organise a part-time jobs fair for students. I know that it is important to sustain yourself during university, so this fair will allow you the chance to network with companies and help you find a part-time job in the mean time.

Remember to vote for me as your next LAIBS Faculty Representative.