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Candidate for the position of President



About me:

I’m an International Relations Post-Graduate Student and currently the Faculty of Art, Law and Social Sciences Course Representative for MA International Relations. Since coming into this role in October 2016, I had the rare privilege of representing my colleagues on the Student-Staff Liaison Committee and also on some other occasions. Involved in such representations, I was faced with so many rhetorical questions concerning the much talked about phrase “Student Experience”. My answers motivated me to stand up as your President in this election to help sustain the Union’s legacy whilst working on the “Grey” areas (#SU’sVoiceofChange) because I’m passionate about the students’ union platform for pursuing students’ agenda.

The Next Step:

As your President, with collaborative efforts of the incoming executives, I will put the welfare and interest of all ARU students at the fore-front of any agenda or policies that I would be working on/improving upon #StudentExperience. I will work on/improve upon: 

  • Welfare&Student Engagements #VoiceofChange; This would be achieved by improving on the medium of publicity and communication of what the union is up to, progress report on issues, working on students' feedbacks etc., which is important for student representation and getting your voice heard.
  • United Activities at ARU #GlobalUnityonCampus; Within this, I will promote collaborative social and academic activities like Inter-Campus/University debates etc., across all ARU campus and invite other universities to partake. This framework would make ARU students really feel “united and special”.
  • The Buddy Scheme #BuddyReloaded; Within this, I will improve on the Buddy Scheme for incoming first year students (Under-Grad and Post-Grad students) to help give first years the best start at ARU and enable a smooth transition into University life. Within this framework, I will work with the University to make the learning environment more accommodating to all students especially International students who relatively find it hard to adjust quickly. 
  • Promoting all achievements and activities of our different societies at ARU #Moi-ARU; Within this, I will promote all the amazing things our different societies at ARU engage in, ranging from academic accomplishments, social achievements to sporting achievements by improving on the Activities and Volunteering Awards and pursue an agenda of working with media outlets/Use the social media platforms to our advantage to spread the message of every society at ARU. This would also increase ARU’s reputation across UK.  
  • Equality and Fairness in the Academic Sphere #CreatingSuccessTogether; Within this, I will see to it that bills relating to academics, students' welfare etc., passed on the council accommodate the rights of every student on all ARU campus. Within this framework, I will work with the Course and School Representatives, to get feedbacks on the various impacts of such bills to make sure it works for all ARU students. It's all about creating success together. 
  • In that regard, I will work with the Employability Bureau in solidifying our relationship with local businesses and working professionals. This is to provide students with the proper connections to encourage future job opportunities. Within this, I will work with the university to find a way to make these opportunities equal and fair as well as more affordable and accessible for everyone.

With a Committed team, I believe that all these would spring up success stories. Vote the voice of CHANGE…ready to represent! Vote Adebowale for President!