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Candidate for the position of Vice President (Business and Law)



Dear Students of the Faculty of Business and Law,

I, Jatin Kharkhariwal from MSc Supply Chain, feel honored to present my manifesto for the position of Vice President, aspiring to be your dedicated advocate and representative. My commitment to expanding student opportunities within the Faculty of Business and Law stems from a profound belief in the transformative power of education and the potential each student possesses.

Why vote for me :

I am uniquely positioned to address the specific needs and aspirations of our diverse student community. By voting for me, you are choosing a representative who not only empathizes with your academic journey but is also committed to actively working towards enhancing your overall university experience. If elected,I pledge to undertake the following initiatives:

  • Campaigns and Projects for Student Experience - I will lead impactful campaigns and projects aimed at improving the overall student experience. Together, we'll create a vibrant and inclusive campus environment that resonates with the diverse needs and aspirations of our student body.
  • Bringing Industry Insight to Your Classroom - I'll bring industry experts to your classrooms through campaigns, workshops, and online meetings. Gain practical insights and career guidance for every business and law subject.
  • Open Atmosphere in Events - I am dedicated to ensuring that all festivals, events, and meetings are designed to be holistic and accessible for everyone. By fostering an inclusive atmosphere, we will celebrate diversity, cater to varied interests, and create an environment where every student can actively participate and feel a sense of belonging
  • Elevating Academic Excellence - I am committed to fostering a collaborative academic environment across all ARU campuses. By exclusively engaging with the dedicated academic staff, I will ensure that the best academic assistance is provided to every student. This collaborative effort will involve active participation from business and law faculty members and coordinators, all working together to enhance and optimize your academic journey.
  • Timely and Relevant Information Delivery - I am dedicated to ensuring that relevant information reaches you in a timely manner, keeping you up-to-date with essential events such as career fairs and prominent opportunities. Through effective delegation and the creation of specialized groups focused on monitoring current scenarios. I will maintain strong connectivity with students by making myself easily approachable through various media platforms.


I'm committed to a vibrant university experience one that's inclusive, academically excellent, and well-informed. Your vote is a choice for positive change, ensuring every student thrives. Let's shape this future together!