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Candidate for the position of Race Equality Rep (Chelmsford)



My name is Gangasuthanthary Arulsuhanthan and I am running for the position of BME students Rep because I believe there can be lot of changes that can be implemented to create better communication among BME students as they will feel more comfortable. I have previous experience working as an active citizen with the Essex Police as it gave me opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds and gain a broder knowledge of their values and belief. As a member of an Asian community, I know there are certain events(run by the committee) that we cannot attend if its late and there are some regulations that we must obey inorder to please our parent. I will listen carefully to everyones ideas as well as come up with some innovative thinking to get all students involved much as possbile. If I am elected then I will make sure everyones ideas and concerned are addressed and to hold social events to increase more involvement of all students through online due to Covid19.