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Candidate for the position of Women’s Rep (Cambridge)

Image for Izzy Woodcock

Izzy Woodcock








Sexual Assault investigation

An investigation into the effectiveness of the sexual assault support service at ARU (including an anonymous survey cross campus) and clear signposting put in place to these services so that every student knows where to seek help should they need to. I will build stronger connections between the charity “Cambridge crisis rape centre” and ARU as well as stronger connections between Women’s reps across campus. I will organise self-defence classes so women can feel more in control of their body.

Trans inclusive feminism

I believe that feminism means equality to all people and I recognise that women have different experiences and identities. We are an immensely diverse community which are not confined to traditional gender stereotypes. That’s why I think its important to create an open community which accept people who live out their true selves. I will work with the LGBT and trans rep to do this by holding discussions and safe spaces for non-gender conforming people.

Ditch the racism, celebrate the diversity

I will work with faith societies to destigmatise women in religion. Women should be able to express their faith freely without judgement and we should celebrate this expression of freedom. As women campaign rep I will organise events to do this creating a community and uniting women of faith.


As well as giving us a degree, university should prepare women for the workplace. To do this we need to become advocates for ourselves and the community. I believe ARU should commit to empowering women at work. The constraints of gender stereotypes are especially rife in industries like STEM subjects. As your rep I will commit to collaborating with these departments through focussed talks from leading women professionals in order to furthering gender equality. I will also create advocacy workshops for women to teach them how to deal with sexism in the workplace and have the power to speak up and reach their fullest potential.

And top it all off I will create ARUs first women’s week.


I pledge to listen, act and impact.