Your test page


Here you can practise any pages you want to design. 

If you unclick "WYSIWYG" it will take you to the HTML section where you can play with coding. If you're testing HTML, don't click "Save/Exit", you should just be able to do hit "Preview"; OR just press the little blue save at the bottom right of this box.

If you go to the HTML section, you will be able to see how I have been writing in different styles. Most of these styles are pre-coded into the whole SU site so are easy without going into the coding part. However, adding colour to text for example, isn't possible without manually creating some code.

Below is a lovely picture of T'kisha I've uploaded. If you click on the picture it takes you to our Facebook page. You can see how the hyperlink coding works if you are interested!

Photo of Tkisha




Hello this is my new page


Hello this is my new page


Hello this is my new page


Click here to see our facebook page