What's On Child Nursing

Child Nursing

Bone Marrow Donor Recruitment Day

Come along and sign up to be a Bone Marrow donor- no more painful than giving blood and you can be someone's personal lifesaver!

Mon 03 November 2014 10:00-16:00

Michael Ashcroft Foyer

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Bone Marrow Donor Recruitment Day

The Children's Nursing Society is hosting an Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Donor Recruitment Day on Monday 3rd November in MAB foyer, 10am -4pm.

Come along and learn how quick and easy it is to become a donor, join the register there and then.


You can only join the register between 16-30 years old

Donation is very rarely done by an operation, instead it is much like an extended blood donation session - no more painful!

The chances of donating when you are on the register are actually very small as you are matching your tissue type (much more specific) not your blood group

There are not enough males or Black and Ethinic Minorities on the register for people needing a match

Young males make the best donors as you have bigger bones and are fitter and healthier (Anthony Nolan said it, not me!)