Anglia Ruskin Students' Union

BME Forum

The forum is aimed at people who are Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic. It is a chance to meet up and share experience and discuss where we fit into the picture at Anglia Ruskin University. This is also the perfect place to meet your BME rep.

Tue 25 November 2014 17:00-19:00

MAB 002a

and link: Back to What's On

BME Forum

The main focus of the meet up will be to share our experiences as Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic students and the problems or funny stories that brings with it. Have you ever noticed that your textbooks probably is not written by some who is Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic or that your lecture is probably not from one of those descents? Well these are just a few topics the forum will look at. There will also be some free food and drink and the chance to meet your BME Rep. How could it get any better?