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Candidate for the position of Vice President (Health, Medicine and Social Care)



It's the experience officer’s job to support the development and creation of all clubs and societies, organise trips and activities, and to lead on campaigns affecting student welfare and issues affecting student experience.

 Why should you vote for me?

I am passionate about getting the most out of the university experience! I think that no matter where you are from or what course you are enrolled on; your time here at Anglia Ruskin should be an experience that you will cherish for years to come!

I am a second year Civil engineering student and during my time here at Anglia Ruskin I’ve had the opportunity to be a part of many awesome clubs and societies. These experiences this past year and a half have given me the chance to meet a bunch of amazing people.

One thing that has stood out to me is the lack of enthusiasm there seems to be on campus, the bigger nights are loads of fun, however on a weekly basis there’s next to nothing to look forward to and, come the weekend there’s never anything to do.

If I were to be elected, apart from meeting regularly with students to brainstorm new ideas, there are a few things I would change/look into in order to better the student experience as a whole;

  •   American style fraternity/sorority, making it easier for alumni to keep in touch.
  •   Student lounge improvements, making better use of the social space we have for FUN stuff.
  •  More events, on more nights of the week. E.g. movie screenings, video game tournaments ect.
  • regular liasons with the cambridge campus and better integration
  • Better promotion of the clubs and societies on offer here.
  • New clubs and societies to be established depending on the demand for them.


University gives you the freedom to discover things you never knew about yourself and to learn who you really are by trying new things. I know that my experiences have shaped me for the better.

When was the last time you tried something new?