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Candidate for the position of President



Vote Kat Younger #1 for SU President!

As your current Welfare Officer, I have delivered long lasting significant change all year: helped run #LetsBeHonest, one of the strongest and most visible officer team campaigns in recent years; I have created four new Gender Neutral Toilets on campus and am continuing to work on more, as well as Gender Neutral changing facilities; charges for GP letters have been dropped for those making requests for letters on the day they see a doctor; working to improve faith spaces on campus; helped organise ARU's first ever Interfaith Week; helped organise LGBT+ History Month celebrations; campaigning with students to stand against NHS cuts that affect our FHSCE students and mental health provision locally, and working with lecturers and students to lobby senior university staff to start working on wide-ranging, effective, accessible support for victims of sexual violence.

A vote for Kat for SU President means you will have a New SU that is able to work hit the ground running in effectively at supporting our new reps and executive committee structures that we have in place to build on the fantastic work we have seen this year; a union that stands against hate crime and supports all students, no matter their background and to continue to campaign on mental health - this year we have made fantastic progress, but we need to continue to drive change in these areas. I am the #1 candidate for SU president that will drive further SU visibility and supporting our students proactively.

Hate Crime Reporting Centre on campus:

This past year, around the brexit vote, the UK has seen increases in racially motivated hate crime, sexual violence on campus is under-reported, LGBT+ students still face discrimination: I will make ARU a place that students can safely report hate crimes and access support from within and outside campus. 

Visible, Accessible and Empowered Union:

Our democratic structures are changing dramatically this year -- and we need to build on this change so our new reps and committees can hit the ground running. I want to raise the profile of our campaign and faculty reps to make them both more visible online and around campus, to take ownerships of their forums and open up to more students, and to embed this into the training for future reps to create long lasting legacies.

I will create campaigning tools for reps in order to effectively deliver on their priorities for bigger and better impact and make these resources accessible to all students and societies -- you don't have to be a rep to want to run a campaign, but you always need support in doing so.

Keep Campaigning on Mental Health:

The #LetsBeHonest campaign has been incredibly successful, from producing one of most comprehensive pieces of SU-led mental health research in the country to empowering students to lead their own projects. Students at ARU consisently put mental health on the table as a priority for their officer team to work on, and I will ensure it remains at the heart of the SU's priorities, as we have laid the foundations this year to campaign for more change: accessible self help tools, more mental health first aid training for reps and committee members, promoting self care and breaking down stigma.

For an SU that truly works for all and is proactive in supporting our students inside the classroom and out - vote Kat Younger #1 for SU President.